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Whole body vibration exercises for firmer glutes and thighs

01st April 2015
wbv for glutes and thighs

For firm glutes and thighs and a toned lower body, the best routine is a combination of cardio and strength exercises, as the former burn more calories and help in lowering the body fat percentage, while the latter contribute to a slimmer figure and to more defined muscles.

Still, if you’re not into weight lifting or strength exercises that require you to use dumbbells, kettlebells or other such tools, it doesn’t mean that you have to stick with cardio alone, or that you can only perform bodyweight exercises. Workouts done on a vibration machine can successfully replace conventional strength exercises, being a time-efficient solution for getting stronger and leaner muscles and improving muscle power.

The routine below includes a series of exercises that can help you sculpt your lower body and build firmer muscles, while training the core muscles and burning a good amount of calories. Add these movements to your regular workout or do them in a separate WBV training session, repeating each exercise for 1 minute. If needed, take short breaks (20-30s) between exercises.

Front and lateral lunges

Get in the lunge position, with the right feet on the platform. Set the machine to 12-15Hz and hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the left feet. Repeat twice or do a series of front lunges, then switch to lateral lunges to target the inner thighs.

Semi- and deep squats

Stand on the platform with feet at #2-#4 and set the frequency to 12-15 Hz. Lower the buttocks to form a 90-degree angle between the knees and thighs, and hold for 3-4 seconds. Return to the initial position, pushing the pelvis forward and squeezing the glutes, then do another squat. Repeat for 1 minute.

If you aren’t flexible enough for the deep squat position, do a semi-squat, but make sure to maintain the proper posture during the exercise. Your back should be straight to avoid injuries.

Hip thrusts and bridges

One of the most effective exercises for the glutes, the hip thrust becomes more challenging when adding whole body vibration to the classical movement. Place your feet at #2-#3 and set the machine to 15-18 Hz, raising and lowering the hips for 1 minute. Keep the glutes contracted and the core engaged and hold the position for 1-2 seconds on top.

Front and lateral step-ups

Step-ups are great for shaping the calves and quads, and for slimming and strengthening the thighs. Alternate between front and lateral step-ups, and use an additional dumbbell for a more challenging exercise, if working at a lower frequency. If you can tolerate a higher frequency, do this exercise with no additional weight.

Calf raises

Place your feet on the platform at #2, and your hands on the handles. Set the intensity to 12-15Hz and raise your heels a few inches above the platform, so as to come on your tiptoes. Hold for 1 second, then lower back and feel the stretch in your calves. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Hip circles

Stand on the machine with feet apart, at #2-#4, and set the frequency at 12-15Hz. Do hip rotations for 60 seconds, alternating sides and holding for 2-3 seconds per side. This exercise works the glutes and thighs, and contributes to better balance as well.

Flutter kicks

A challenging exercise that trains your glutes, legs and core, this movement should be done at a lower frequency in order to limit the vibration that goes through the spine and up to the head. Keep the abs engaged and sit on the platform in the V-sit position, moving the legs up and down as if you were doing regular flutter kicks. Repeat for 30-60 seconds.

Standing pelvic tilts

Engage the core and squeeze the glutes, pushing your pelvis forward. Set the machine at 12-15Hz, keep the feet at #2-4 and hold for 30 seconds. The pelvic tilts work the glutes and the lower abdominals.

Hip abductions

To shape your thighs and your glutes, hip adductions are also a great choice. Place one feet close to the platform’s center point and your hands on the handles. Engaging the core, move the right leg away from your body, making sure to keep the leg straight. You can also place an elastic band around your ankles if the movement isn’t difficult enough, but do your best to maintain balance during this exercise.

wbv sequence

End the workout with the basic stance, placing your feet at #1-2 for a less intense exercise and for relaxing the body after a challenging lower body circuit. For more exercises visit our WBV Training section and don’t forget to join our Facebook community if you want to share with us your thoughts on this routine.

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