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Doug:Well hello this is Doug Sutton I’m the chief strategy officer with Hypervibe and today we have a very special guest from Houston Texas Dr. Gigi Siton with holistic physical therapy and she’s one of our specialists and experts in the physical therapy industry worldwide that’s been using Hypervibe in her clinic and today we want to talk about her background and how she’s using Hypervibe in her clinic with her patients and any other insights that she may have so with that I just want to welcome Gigi and thank you Dr. Siton for being on the call today.

Dr. Siton: Thank you Doug honored to be invited for Hypervibe because I’ve been crazy about this product for at least 12 years maybe more extensively 10 years I’ve been really happy about this but first let me introduce myself I’m Dr. Gigi Siton I’m a physical therapist for a doctor in physical therapy for almost 30 years now and I have my own practice as an outpatient holistic physical therapy in use and in Spring Texas close to you soon for at least five years on our own and Hypervibe is so big in our practice we have two units and Doug is so generous to give us the second one they’re upgraded one so we loved it we couldn’t have enough and we all even joked that we should have more than two we should have ten because then it really helped out patients and so let me tell you about holistic physical therapy we see a lot of acute and chronic pain we see a lot of VA we see a lot of pelvic floor we see a lot of we’re a manual therapy base and we have acupuncturist in the clinic we have manual therapists we have massage therapy so it’s really and we have nutritional therapy incorporated in our practice we also have a lot of life coaches psychologists hypnotherapist medical doctors that is part of our team so it’s not just one way it’s not just the regular Western physical therapy intervention we have so much that’s why we love the Hypervibe just kind of fits into our practice really well the first time that I get exposed the whole body vibration therapies when I saw NASA was using it to help the astronauts I reversed weakness and bone density reversal we got so into it I did my studies and I researched into outlooked in to it made so much sense to me the way that technology is designed because there’s so much out there that’s a whole body vibration but it’s a different you know it’s a platform it’s not there the tailor taught her and we did the research was most effective and Hypervibe came out the best part of out there so I didn’t even know Doug I didn’t even know anybody we bought ourselves a Hypervibe and we tried it with our patients and first with osteoporosis because that was the indicator that was the obvious reason on the website but knowing me I don’t use things normally I experiment I design our protocol now we have entered to PTSD we see a lot of VA patients it helped so much with PTSD helped so much with pelvic floor it helps so much with scoliosis we have a Pediatrics right now she’s nine years old severe scoliosis 37 degrees with torsion now she’s so much better she’s not in pain it’s so much easier to combine it with the scoliosis and postural exercises especially knowing that the Hypervibe is going to loosen everything in the back so we can realign better so a lot of our a lot of our patients are really liking and it’s almost like they come just for Hypervibe and that is our looard for them to stay with us because they feel so much better we if you look at my testimony on my website we had a lady that cannot walk for three years she broke her ankle and she’s been to other physical therapists and she couldn’t do active range of motion so what we did is we modified Hypervibe we got her on this for 30 min in the beginning and as she got better she’s less and less and now she’s walking on the walker so she even said if I have done the traditional physical therapy it would not be this soon and I would not be a high functioning as I am today so I can tell you so much, me and Doug we can talk about it and see how much we’re in it for even my high-heeled walking, it improves your leg and core muscles so you can walk on high heels longer just a 10 minutes and it’s a best investment of your time

Doug: Wow that’s a lot thank you so much for sharing all of that so it’s so I’m curious then Dr. Siton when you work with patients what’s a typical protocol that you would use I mean there’s so many different conditions that you and I talked about offline that you use it with including the ones that you just shared so when you have you know bone density or osteoporosis as an example you assess a patient what’s a typical starting point and how you engage and what do you actually do with the Hypervibe this is just a couple minutes certain positions how do you work with it?

Dr. Siton: I work I actually modify according to the patient’s capability they’re so low level like one of our patients non-ambulatory for three months when there’s so low level we start with about ten minutes sitting on the platform their bottom is on the platform not standing that full weight bearing just sitting on it for ten minutes that’s all and then the rest will be a bike and grasses range of motion I think that better we can of progress it between twenty to thirty minutes on Hypervibe while performing exercises so it depends how low they are they come in and on pelvic floor there certain positions that you can put them up to really isolate the pelvic floor muscles so it depends on their diagnosis and infants and their goal in goal.

Doug: Okay and then different frequency ranges based upon their existing health conditions so you range from what starting point to what other point?

Dr. Siton: They I’ll start the most minimum and that’s usually what I do in the first day as I punt them on the vibe and for 10 minutes and this is what I say tell me if it hurts worse or after the day after when we do this Hypervibe because the whole idea is to make you feel better and some people they get dizzy you know we don’t know that they are underlying vertigo and it stimulates their vertigo they do that they have underlying fracture and then they tell us so we usually test for 10 minutes on the lowest level and then they come back in a day or two and they say hey it feels better it doesn’t make it any worse and we always tell them the same and not painful it’s a progression the thing we need to watch is if it’s painful right after a 24 hour after we need to know you’re not a candidate for it you know and so we have our own little precautions if they have influence screws or some metal in their body in their bones we’re going to take precautions around it we kind of tiptoe around it to make sure and we tell the surgeons is this okay is there something they can do and usually don’t know what it is and they most of them were verbally say try if it hurt stop you know but at least we worked with the doctors who did the surgery so implants and screws in so we are very careful.

Doug: Okay yeah and then you just gradually build up from there so that’s it that’s a great way of approaching that.

Dr. Siton: Yes, and acute pain usually they love it.

Doug: Really so from your expert perspective what is the main reason why you feel that the results are being produced with the Hypervibe?

Dr. Siton: Well I’m so passionate about the lymphatic system and your lymphatic system is responsible for your healing basically that’s somewhat eighty percent of your vitamins are water so I mean fat-soluble and water-soluble is 20 percent they all flow in your lymphatic system so your lymphatic system supplies the muscle supplies the bone supplies the organ whatever they need whether nutrition vitamins or anti-inflammatory so that lymphatic system has have an open flow nothing has to stop that flow otherwise healing doesn’t happen, energy isn’t provided so what the Hypervibe does the whole body vibration it shakes your lymphatic is not just under your skin there’s lymphatic around the muscle inside the muscle around the bone each organ so I think about it like around the saran wrap enveloping each organ of your body so when you’re in pain that saran wrap it’s tighten up and gets get clogged up because a muscle spasm or inflammation. What the Hypervibe does is going to loosen it ever so gently but allows enough channel to access for repair and there’s no exercise that can mimic that because when you want to open lymphatic you want to open the whole thing at once you can’t just isolate are we going to open just the legs we can just open the arms because lymphatic system work as a whole as a whole like think about is an engineer you cannot turn on the car just turning on the front wheels you cannot make the car wheel just turning on the back wheels all of your engine has to be coordinated and open and the plumbing in the thing of the car before the car moves so like the body you have to open all the lymphatic system in all parts with minimum pain and an action and minimum effort so this is the most efficient way to activate healing and repair it’s just that whole body vibration micro vibration specially because lymphatics are micro circulations they’re not the arteries the big plumbing they’re micro circulation they’re designed to be activated in a vibration and sound and movement so when you’re in acute pain and you’re in hurt major motion hurts so the micro vibration of the so is the best way to channel all the lymphatic or bring all the vitamins to the areas bring all the necessary circulation to area so the blood in the background will flow on the secondary so we were taught in the Western medicine that you need the blood the red blood cells red blood cells and white blood cells the they are the secondary your lymphatic is the primary remember when you bleed and there’s a little see-through that’s the most important part liquid in Chinese medicine that’s why they work with the flow and all that is that the acupuncture meridians there’s they save different names but they’re all referred to the lymphatic system meridian whatever all they call that this is about lymphatic system so when you open something micro even the needles are micro imagine that and then it helps the whole back this same thing we Hypervibe these micro vibration of your muscles opens up the whole system not just one that’s why is so effective in short period of time.

Doug: Wow that’s amazing so and with that so with the lymphatic system there’s a whole host of different conditions that that actually contributes to and I know you’ve spoken about PTSD chronic pain fibromyalgia that it actually affects all of those.

Dr. Siton: Yeah they are not isolated PTSD and fibromyalgia they are kind of disease that it’s not one part it’s the whole body so you cannot just say oh we’re going to move your arms and it helps your depression no it’s your parasympathetic nervous system your parasympathetic nervous system has so many satellites and part of that is your lymphatic system you’re lymphatic system will respond to your parasympathetic if it’s calm that’s the rest and relax the sympathetic is the fight and flight that’s when the muscles tighten up and it’s in protective mode and your lymphatic system will shut down because it’s on that protective mode your parasympathetic is when your lymphatic system lets flow all the vitamins all the white blood cells by the way in white blood cells flow in your lymphatic system to in this that’s the fastest way that’s why in cancer patients they always look at the lymphatic nodules because that’s where the scene of the crime of cancer that’s where your body is trying to kill cancer is in lymphatic nodules your nodules so that’s where the first scene of the crime that is not the cause of cancer but that’s how your body kills it through your lymphatic system and then if you do not kill it there then it will spread so that’s your first line of defense and that’s why you want your lymphatic system to be opening flow you know it’s like it’s the fastest way to activate the good guys your lymphatic system and that’s a whole body vibration because you just sit for ten minutes and it shakes everything if you haven’t felt two lungs and your pelvic floor get on the Hypervibe you feel all those muscles you know there is no exercise that can I don’t care how you do core muscles I don’t care how you do that those are isometric muscles you do not feel the micro muscles internally because those are stabilizing muscles so when you do the Hypervibe you feel them all because they’re all activated at the same time.

Doug: Wow that’s amazing so and so with that you see amazing results it sounds like from it the things that you shared with me in the past so okay so tell me about your relationship or your experience with the proprioception relationship between using Hypervibe and working with your patients and the results and outcomes you’ve seen.

Dr. Siton: Well I’m glad brought the proprioception because I forgot about that when I brought up lymphatic system so I want people to know that when you when you treat the body you cannot really when I was taught in Western medicine we were taught on reductive like one at a time you do this and then you fix this but essentially your body doesn’t work that way when you’re stimulating the lymphatic you’re also stimulating the proprioception you’re also stimulating the red blood cells you’re also steaming the arteries you’re also stimulating the vein circulation so you’re asking me about the proprioception that is closely placed where the where the lymphatic system is it’s also in the superficial in a deeper part of the muscle what’s the let’s define proprioception it’s the sensory feeling that knowing where the position of your joint without even looking like right now my arms is sideways I know exactly where that is even though if I’m not looking because the ends of my fingers is telling me my position so without the visual input it also tells you where your body is so that really helps because most people now are very visual oriented and that proprioception doesn’t make it more efficient so with the Hypervibe with the extra stimulation during vibration your lymphatic has so much think about it this way it all happens at the same time when your lymphatic is increased the circulation your arteries and your veins increase circulation then your muscle has so much circulation as well as your nerves and your proprioception becomes activated more heightened in a short period of time so that’s why your proprioception also improves because your sense in position is also being increased circulation in that area.

Doug: Well yeah that’s amazing I know from my own personal experience having had a spine surgery that the Hypervibe was a catalyst in my recovery and the level of balance that I have today and flexibility is beyond what I had when I was in my 20s and I just know from my own personal experience what a catalyst the Hypervibe has been for me as well.

Dr. Siton: I can tell you that why the flexibility also improves because the flexibility is from at the end of the muscle you know the muscle ball and then the tendon at the end and that’s the rubber band that connects to the bone that rubber band there has only water in fat that circulates around it that’s why it’s white it’s a tendon it dependent on the hydration and your essential fatty acid that’s the main ingredient for flexibility now even if you have well nursed about that the only way that tendon can function again after injury after surgeries because it tighten up from immobility from the surgery you’re laying down that rubber band gets tighten up like when shaking like that it’s the most efficient if you stretch a very tight tendon you’re going to break it you can break it so when you hydrate it of course in my clinic you have to have hydration you have to have essential fatty acids because that’s one part of holistic physical therapy once you get the raw material in that tendon and you shake it slowly you can the whole the hydraulics works that hydraulics kind of nourish each fiber of that tendon then they become flexible then they begin then they become a good shock absorber so you shake it first and then you strengthen it with the weights. Most people they just strengthen it without even strengthening the tendon and that’s why they break I said oh I’m very strong but I can’t move you know and then they tear the joints because they forget the flexibility part and that flexibility has to have hydration with water good fats and essential fatty acids and then it’s like a shock absorber in an 18-wheeler car if that shock absorber is not strong that 18-wheelers can go somewhere but not be efficient so that tendon right there it is the connection between and that’s not just the end of it in the whole of your back is tendon so a lot of your back people are dehydrated and low fat diet so you need to have a high good fats in essential fatty acids so that flexibility is there and so what the whole Hypervibe will do you see you got the raw material then it shakes it slowly ever slowly that it allows the divide that intelligence of that tendon to stretch to its maximum range so when you’re ready for exercise after it’s ready for you.

Doug: Right wow it’s amazing because we’ve seen and I’m sure you’ve worked with patients that are young and old alike we’ve worked with elite level athletes as well as elderly patients that are you know practically in wheelchairs and they have a very difficult time moving around and it’s the same mechanisms that’s working it’s just applied to different body types and different states of health.

Dr. Siton: Exactly and that’s when I realize how like for an older person who hardly walk or on the wheelchair you can’t exercise that person right away it’s not going to give you the most if most um benefit so what you do is you’re going to put them on the on the Hypervibe you kind of shake them off like you shaking each it’s like you’re shaking each joint before you move them because you’re hydrating them and besides this side effect of Hypervibe is it also produces endorphins so they feel good about the experience so when you have endorphins it’s like it increases your oxygen uptake it increases your well-being and you’re happy and so it has so much benefit just by starting off with Hypervibe.

Doug: Yeah we’ve even seen in for corporate wellness where in corporate environments such as the Google corporate headquarters and you know they’re even using it just for two to three minute breaks in the middle of the day for employees and it does activate their endorphins it gets their blood and the oxygen flowing in their body so they’re more productive when they go back to work so you know whether you use it for ten to thirty minutes for a full workout or a full routine or just a couple minutes a lot of people see value even in a short amount of time.

Dr. Siton: Yeah because you’re lymphatics doesn’t need a lot of work it’s your body’s amazingly designed is so efficient that if you just keep your lymphatics open and keep the circulation open it can do anything for you it will heal colds very fast it can fix anything broken arm injured arm muscle spasm post-surgery it can do anything for you is the saying you know when you drive a car you got a freeway if the freeway is clogged you can’t move that car you know that supplies to go to one point A to point B it’s going to move but if you keep the freeway open it’s just an efficient flow that’s like the lymphatic system that Hypervibe keeps that flow open all the time so all the efficient communication between your proprioception your spinal cord your lymphatics your white blood cells your vitamins is 80% water so I mean fat-soluble so that goes through your lymphatic system so even the vitamins uptake is there.

Doug: Wow that’s a that’s amazing so I’m curious then Dr. Siton when you what percent of your total patients use Hypervibe and then is it something where you have them use it prior to your normal treatments and at the end or you know is it at the beginning of the end or both or how do you actually use it and what percent actually use it?

Dr. Siton: A hundred percent use it I would say hundred ten because the employee use it too we use it for us too right percent they have to use it and then we use it depends on the patient usually just because ideally I would have made him use the first right away but we only have to do so we take turns but most of them will do it after just because that works with the patient as they come somebody is already standing on the Hypervibe the two is already booked so we can’t do that right away so they do their warm-up but ideally I would start off with that.

Doug: Okay so it sounds like we actually may need to get a couple more Hypervibe in your clinic so you can okay. I’m reading between the lines here so yeah.

Dr. Siton: I’m not saying just to get one just letting you know that’s what’s going to happen when you have a Hypervibe because everybody wants to be on it.

Doug: Yeah so yes, we’ve even seen four high level athletes that they use it immediately after exercise to help clear the lactic acid out so their bodies recovered quicker from the.

Dr. Siton: Yeah, it prevents lactic acid accumulation if you do it first because the flow is open.

Doug: Oh, wow okay so before and after then.

Dr. Siton: Yeah, in before in the lactic acid if you look at the biochemistry of it if you take it with a sea salt Himalayan sea salt I don’t know if you read the book ‘The Salt Lick’ you wouldn’t even have that lactic acid accumulation if you do the Hypervibe combined with the increase with the water with sea salt you don’t have the elastic accumulation because that lactic acid doesn’t accumulate it’s neutralized by sodium chloride in the body.

Doug: Wow okay so another question I have is relating to the safety of the Hypervibe you know there’s some people they’re like oh my gosh there’s such high levels of g-force that you’re being exposed to an acceleration and you know what a lot of people and there’s research studies that that validate that even walking or running your body’s exposed to even higher levels of g-force than what the Hypervibe has so I want to speak into or have you speaking to your perspective about the safety of the machine and then also the planes of motion is why specifically you chose Hypervibe.

Dr. Siton: Well first walking is like g=10 by the way on pressure on your joint you’re not going to even do that in Hypervibe in the clinic because it is so isolated that we can harvest the g-force lower with maximum stimulation you don’t need to walk that much as much as running to get that g-force because we’re focusing on lymphatic and micro circulation that’s why it’s so efficient you have to start it from the basic if you want to rebuild the house, brick house, you want to rebuild it one brick at a time so with a Hypervibe you want to progress at 1g force at a time you start with five and six and your progress so I’m not even going to go to g17 right away you’re not going to go run the marathon right away to fix your calf muscle this is the reason why I like Hypervibe because you can really accurately do the progression quantify the progression on the g-force under your control instead if you make a person walk right away they can’t fight that g-force of ten when you’re walking because the muscle is still weak to fight that gravity that’s why people can’t walk that’s why I like Hypervibe because you can slowly introduce gravity in an incremental motion in incremental level and increase the circulation until they can really walk on their own the reason why I Hypervibe is so much better than exercises because range of motion on the bed doesn’t really mimic gravity translate into walking it’s a totally different dynamics if you look at the dynamics the angle of that to translate into function range of motion in the bed doesn’t even go as close to what Hypervibe can do.

Doug: Right, wow. Okay and then the other thing and again I love that soup is a lot of other the research suggests that that it’s important to be able to have the lower frequencies and amplitudes the lower levels of g-force as well as the highest and being able to progress and you know really there’s the original technology that was first exposed to that the European Space Agency and NASA was using and Hypervibe really the only platforms to my level awareness to have that level of range from the low to the high that you can actually.

Dr. Siton: That is not fair to compare because they’re talking about astronauts you know they were studying astronauts and they’ve been through a lot of training and they’re like they’re not looking at our patients non-ambulatory broken ankle out of care, ninety-one years old they don’t have that thing so we can’t really go to the high gravity yet I can’t I have ninety one-year-old 81-yard that after six to eight weeks with me they can tolerate that because we you build towards it or towards it I have patients that maybe in any timepiece when they get on the platform with their higher level we do their exercises on the platform single leg do all that with weight they can do all that because you prepare them for it you prepare then progressively quantifiably do your progressions you can do that it’s possible but not on the first approach.

Doug: Of course, right depending on the age and the condition of the patient that you have so but at least with the Hypervibe you have the access to the full range so you can truly meet people here they are and then progress them along the way.

Even for these people who are more sitting they can’t do range of motion they can even lift their own arm for doing a range of motion so what the Hypervibe does is doing the microcirculation under muscles while they’re sitting because their bones are so weak to carry their weight and then we haven’t even talked about what it does to the bone itself you know my background is I forgot to tell you about my background I have some training in engineering so your bone is your structural support and that microcirculation activates your ouster class you know austere bites and austere clothes it rebuilds and break down the old bone and stimulates the new bone so that alone will strengthen your bone so if you’re obese or a fragile osteoporotic patient just being on the Hypervibe strengthen your bone right away because that’s only me it’s a little shaking with the recipe of the gravity your bone cells activate and alive they go oh okay we’re going to make more bones we’re going to get rid of the old ones it’s called bone remodeling the bone remodeling and Hypervibe is so efficient and the patient don’t even realize that after they come and visit able to tolerate now sitting within the tolerate standing and then once they’re standing on the Hypervibe it can translate to walking so you can go straight to walking without building you’re not tendon we’re not even talking about tendon we’re talking about the base structure of the bone when you feel the bone when you feel that sense is that gravity stimulation it will remodel itself it will efficiently get rid of the old bone and milk made new ones just because of that vibration motion along.

Doug: Wow that’s amazing so it isn’t also support with you know bones or joints that have arthritis as well?

Dr. Siton: Yes, arthritis by the way his dietary when you don’t eat well you get arthritis it’s not because of old age because we have arthritis at nine years old in eight years old here so he has nothing to do with age back then he used to do age because people ate well and then has to get only made of eat well of course arthritis happens but now arthritis is any age because of bad diet so back to the diet that raw material if you have good raw material you can reverse arthritis with the help of Hypervibe you can really rebuild your bone.

Doug: Mm-hmm so another important distinction with the Hypervibe technology and I know you and I have spoken into this offline is the plane of motion between the linear platforms that there are some of those out there where the entire platform goes up and down together and verses the pivotal which is why Hypervibe designed ours this way it was based upon the research and the movement of the hips and how that actually works so from your perspective you’re going back to why you chose Hypervibe instead of all the other protective platforms out there part of that is plane of motion so what’s your perspective on that?

Dr. Siton: I mean it’s a smart design human bodies never jump up and down that’s the platform it’s like jumping up and down you can only do so much of that but that’s not functional your body’s designed so the alternating motion the teeter totter it mimics the teeter-totter your brain left and right is never it’s always designed this alternate motion any locomotion even running is alternate we are not kangaroo we don’t design into jumping or design into alternating motion so that mimics Hypervibe mimics that alternating you know teeter-totter motion so that I thought that’s the most micro alternating motion in your body and that’s why you started with the micro teeter-totter the micro motion of the tendon the micro motion of the bone the micro rebuilding of the bone is a much better design than all the platform than jumping up and down because that’s totally different action to your brain.

Doug: Right yeah makes complete sense so now I know that there’s you know speaking of the functional training there’s some other alternative uses that you’ve had and you use including a book that you’ve written you know about you know even wearing heels on the machine and then some other alternatives so please share your perspective on that as well and with the functional training aspect of it I thought that was so interesting.

Dr. Siton: I can start with my books my I write the book ‘The Sexy Art of High Heel Walking’ what it’s about is it’s never about the shoe that you’re wearing it’s all about your body how strong your legs how strong your core and it’s all about that so using the Hypervibe on high heels it really kind of specializing the muscles you need on high heels to get strengthened to be on high heels 14 hours 16 hours like I do and you won’t hurt because it improves your core, improves your leg muscles and so what with my patience in the beginning we use them without the heels we use them with the balance and we put them to Hypervibe and so once their core and the leg muscles strong we put them on heels and on the platform to make sure that they can keep their balance whether the unstable a surface underneath and that’s how the magic of a Hypervibe because it mimics that unstable starts like you’re walking but you’re standing there maintaining your balance once you master that you can translate that to a functional training so when you walk into play and in the flat surface you’re ready your bodies are already trained to accommodate that because you already train it on Hypervibe safety.

Doug: Wow that’s amazing it makes complete sense and it’s one of the things that even when I spoke with the founders of Hypervibe we were blown away by what you discovered with that and again it the science makes complete sense it’s just something that we hadn’t actually thought of before.

Dr. Siton: Yes, and most people they’re just focusing you know the action of high heels and they missed a point high heels really strengthen your core and your leg muscles and so we kind of teach him that and make him feel their core and their leg muscles while on the Hypervibe because once they make the connection between their brain and their core and their leg on the Hypervibe on the high heels when they get off the Hypervibe on the flat surface on the ground they activated more they do it more much more efficiently pain free and they can do it all day because they realize oh these are the muscles to be activated that you keep telling I mean I’m sure before the Hypervibe you keep saying oh I work out my core my core my then I asked them how you used up your core oh this is like no honey that is not your core that’s just the cover of your or get on that Hypervibe and you’ll feel every core you’ve ever owned you get on the bus oh that’s the core I said that’s the core muscle not to feel that you don’t sit up so the Hypervibe can really make people connect and isolate that core muscles better so they can translate the functions so high heels or whatever.

Doug: Yeah that’s amazing night that to your point about the core I know that from personal experience I’m in my mid-40s right now and even when I was in my 20s when I was doing yoga I couldn’t do those postures where I’m standing on one leg and kicking my other leg out and now I can put my forehead to my knee with my other one out and I can stand there for what feels like days and I have balance and my core is so much stronger I didn’t realize what I thought was my core before versus what the Hypervibe does and there is no form of exercise that can give you that access.

Dr. Siton: No, that connection makes it so efficient to perform an activity once you know exactly what muscles you need and the Hypervibe gives you that connection loop it gives you that look to your brain you tell your going to need my core and you know exactly where you’re going we talked about the proprioception it hyper activate that proprioception now you can stand in one leg and you become very efficient in your balance because you can strengthen it by a Hypervibe.

Doug: Yeah absolutely and you know one other thing that you brought up in another conversation that we had that I think is important for the men out there especially men as they as they age you had some really interesting uses for it to treat specific conditions and I thought I’d have you have the opportunity to speak into that because it seemed like an alternative to using some form of medication or other type of substance that people could use and still achieve amazing outcomes.

Dr. Siton: So I am pelvic floor rehab therapist I’ve seen men and women since you mentioned men this is very interesting that the physics and the plumbing design on men with any plumbing it really slows down you know gravity affected diet affects the hydration effects it it’s basically your pelvic floor is relying on hydraulics it’s plainly hydraulics design and with any hydraulics without the water without the plumbing it doesn’t work so what the Hypervibe does is it loosened all the plumbing the microcurrent it was talking about the microcurrent that supplies your pelvic floor especially on men it opens up again and we have so many patients and said why didn’t I know this and no drug companies has been trying to copy the micro circulation on that area but the problem is they open all the microcirculation this way it costs heart palpitation stroke because it opened the brain too but what the Hypervibe does it opens it mechanically like the mechanics of it opens but it makes it more efficient also that how it should be not by drug induced so it’s more on the normal progression of healing and in this more long-term it stays longer forever strong with the Hypervibe than just a pharmaceutical way of opening the circulation and not to mention that’s just the first thing on Hypervibe on the pelvic floor it opens it up the second one it becomes more efficient because with the isometrics in Hypervibe you’re going to you know you contract normally as you get older you don’t know how to contract the muscles anymore because it gives in to gravity what the Hypervibe does it contracts the pelvic muscles and then relax and contract that’s actually how it should work and it becomes very efficient so when you have that isometrics and relaxed mechanism on your part before it comes your hydraulics so when it pumps your hydraulics everything starts to work all the nutrients the blood circulation allows the flow again your pelvic floor then you back to restore your function forever.

Doug: So, with the men you would have them sit on the machine and for how long what would you typically recommend?

Dr. Siton: As usual beginning just 10 minutes to test because usually when I see the men already on this they already went through medications they will be winter trauma and they already surgeries so you have to go slow because you cannot just open up blood supply because it will hurt them too you have to make sure that the plumbing is capable to be opened up we go slow I do manual therapy we do acupuncture and we do the diet dietary modification because I’m a believer if there’s no raw material there’s nothing there I can work with change their diet because just even the sugar or the caffeine it will cut the circulation in your pelvic floor because the caffeine affects the contraction of your smooth muscle cells so what is your smooth muscle cells in your heart and it’s your new pelvic floor and it’s around the penal muscles of the men so if you having high caffeine I can’t really open that microcirculation because it makes it into spasm you know caffeine spasms that so I cannot do that so we have to modify the diet first before I get on the Hypervibe because we have seen that I would again on the Hypervibe it feels good but then it boomerangs and makes it worse you kind of have to design that that you cannot compete with a chemical spasm stimulation at that area too because Hypervibe is so efficient in opening it up and strengthening up and if you have some pharmaceutical or artificial thing that opens it up to its going to you know it’s worse it won’t make it because it crashes the blood from the brain and more there and you don’t want that.

Doug: Yeah okay so you’re also recommendations I know you’ve had a number of patients that you’ve recommended and they’ve actually purchased home units for themselves and you can help guide them so you have you found that that’s a successful approach to work with your patients and you know they still have a relationship with you of course you’re guiding them but then just the ability to have that at their home to use every day.

Dr. Siton: I mean if I have my way everybody should have one at home because you’re going to face gravity you’re going to wear and tear your body this is the best way to help your body repair wear to tear and so most of my patients that can’t afford it they buy it they ask me I ought to be have one right now that we’re trying to get her a unit because I said you need to have a Hypervibe you can’t come here every day you know you need this at home twice a day and especially with the PTSD with the PTSD it makes it produces the endorphins and it relaxes their muscle relax their body they can cope with stress better and then eventually the PTSD doesn’t have a power over them anymore after I noticed about six months on the Hypervibe.

Doug: Wow that’s amazing well I really appreciate your investment time today Dr. Siton is there anything else you want to share any other perspectives that we may not have talked about?

Dr. Siton: Um we talked about low back pain like your experience for talking about the IDI we talked about we talk we can talk about the female pelvic floor because we have a lot of bladder incontinence the bladder contract too because the bladder has to be supported with the pelvic floor muscles and so when the pelvic floor muscles strengthen the suspension of that bladder again is so good that it can crack and relax much better without you know we have a lot of testimonials that they don’t use diapers anymore in this ladies I’ve been using diapers for 21 years with our pelvic floor we I do the manual therapy stimulation they do acupuncture dietary changes and Hypervibe it’s like a three leg solution not just one so when we have all these three together it’s being applied to them you can completely reverse bladder incontinence.

Doug: Wow yeah and I didn’t even realize it was such an issue so that’s amazing.

Dr. Siton: 40% of women have bladder incontinence.

Doug: Wow and so this is a great thing to have in the home and to be able to use every day for that and most so many other different conditions.

Dr. Siton: Yeah besides childbirth that will affect your pelvic floor increased intake of caffeine in your diet affects your smooth muscles and we have younger and younger kids now drinking the Starbucks coffee with caffeine at eight at nine by the time they reach a 22 they have bladder incontinence I’m seeing them younger and younger I used to see them 50s and 45 after babies now I see young 20 year old college kids have bladder incontinence and they have no idea what’s coming from and they don’t realize not everybody but these people are insensitive to caffeine their body cannot metabolize it in accumulate and their smooth muscle cell so some people will have publication in their heart with the caffeine some people have bladder incontinence and they don’t know why and more likely that’s because they’re sensitive in looking weakens their pelvic floor muscles.

Doug: Wow that’s amazing well really appreciate the investment of time today and your willingness to share so openly about your experiences with Hypervibe as well as about your specialties and area of practice is there any you know things you have upcoming I know you have a number of speaking engagements and you’ve got a book coming out you already have a book that is out so just how people can find out more information about you.

Dr. Siton: So I wrote the book ‘The Sexy Art of High Heel Walking’ and show it to you there you go you plug it in yes and the second book is about applied epigenetics and the title of the book is ‘Your Body is a Self-Healing Machine’ and there’s on that book there’s a whole page of a whole body vibration about the Hypervibe experience to I put that on the one chapter of that and so that you can find all these information in holistic physical therapy dot com or www dot ggsiton dot com because my personal page all of that information there and I’m going to the Philippines and I’m going to see some lectures there in the college of medicine and then when I come back for a month and then we’ll see if my upcoming TED talk and then we’ve got the epigenetics conference with Bruce Lipton so this is an exciting year.

Dr. Siton: That’s amazing well it’s we’re very grateful to have you as part of the Hypervibe family and you know one of our absolute industry experts has been using this and so grateful for your experiences and your willingness to share and help make a positive difference within this industry as well and all medical professionals too so they can have that opportunity to learn from someone like yourself.

Dr. Siton: And I would like to correct you people always call us alternative to Hypervibe the hole vibration by the vibration it’s not an alternative it is it the alternative is medication if this doesn’t work and you need medication but try this first this is first the natural way of doing the Hypervibe doing the whole exercise slowly doing your diet and then if that doesn’t work then try medication so there’d alternative not us.

Doug: Sounds great well thank you we appreciate it and we’ll have links below here as well with all of your contact information so people can learn more about you and we really appreciate that and hope to talk to you really soon.

Dr. Siton: Thank you Doug for inviting me I am so honored I you know what amazes me it’s not like you found me and then I use this Hypervibe I find it first and then you we found each other so this is really good you know that I did it on my own and how your product spoke for itself that’s how I find you.

Doug: I appreciate it alright thank you so much

Dr. Siton: Thank you take care bye.

Hypervibe devices are designed for fitness and exercise purposes only and are not intended for use as medical devices. In the UK, Hypervibe machines are not registered as medical devices and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

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