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Start Getting ComplimentedAbout Your Looks Again

How to give your “youth” hormones a big boost and de-stress1 with the easiest exercise you will ever do.2

Wouldn´t you agree, being a woman has more than its fair share of challenges? Before during and after childbirth your body goes through things that can be difficult to cope with and can leave your body changed in ways that seem to be irreversible.

As well as dealing with age related changes to your external appearance there can also be internal changes that can be painful, stressful, costly and embarrassing.

  • It taking forever to lose ´pregnancy pounds´ leaving you feeling unattractive and frustrated.
  • Fluid retention that makes your body look puffy and flabby.
  • People have even stopped giving you compliments about the way you look.

If you´re nodding your head right now, pay attention to what is coming next. There is an easy solution that works and we´re going to show you proof.

I love that this workout is so brief. The workouts are fun and it keeps my body toned.


  • Restore, get your figure back and feel good

    Announcing a time-saving way to restore your energy, get your figure back and feel good about yourself 6,8

    The great thing about this solution is you don´t have to join a gym or sweat for an hour every day, you don´t even have to leave the house. A few minutes at home on our machine can help you…

    Look and feel younger

    Vibration exercise is a fast and easy way to boost Human Growth Hormone the “youth” hormone while reducing Cortisol the “stress” hormone. When these are combined with better circulation and lymph drainage the way you look and feel improve and quickly become noticeable to others.1,9

    Improve muscle tone and get slimmer

    Vibration training impacts multiple body systems affecting muscle, fat and skin. These include Oxygen usage, Circulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Metabolism and Muscle Tone – all of which improve with regular vibration training of sufficient intensity.6,9,10,11,12,13

    Develop strength an
    energy to cope with
    the demands of

    vibration training can quickly produce large increases in strength for lifting, squatting and lunging an ever-increasing weight (baby).14 And, the boost to your metabolism and lymphatics is like a Spring Clean your body gets every day leaving you feeling fresh and energised.

  • How Hypervibe Works

    The vibrating platform moves you up and down, a few millimetres at a time with carying speeds. As it does this there are three main effects on your body.

    • 1. Increased Gravity

      As the platform rises, your body is accelerated upwards. You feel this as a force named G-force where ´G´ stands for ´Gravity´. In other words the machine exposes your body to increased Gravity.

      One way your body responds to increased Gravity is by increasing muscle strength and tone.19 Israeli researchers20 showed this when they had subjects do 2 minutes of vibration exercise with 23G of Gravity (23 times Earth´s Gravity) three times a week and compared that to a control group doing the same exercises without vibration. After 3 weeks the control group increased strength by 16% – the vibration exercise group increased strength by an incredible 49.8%

    • 2. Rhythmic Movement

      The rapid up/down movement with a subsequent increase/decrease of G-force creates waves of movement through the soft tissues of your body. In slow motion you can actually see the skin and muscles ripple like water. This ripple spreads from the point of contact throughout the body.

      This increases the flow6 of fluids like blood and lymph which speeds up recovery while helping to keep swelling under control. As these fluids vibrate, heat is generated which quickly warms up your joints and muscles21 making movement easier and more comfortable; similar to having a massage

    • 3. Muscle Reflexes

      The platform movement causes repetitive bending and straightening of your joints. As the muscles attached to them quickly stretch it results in strong reflex muscle contractions.22 You´ve seen this happen when someone taps below your knee cap causing your leg to jerk forward.

      The heightened nerve and muscle activity results in a number of benefits such as:

      • Increased muscle power – power is the ability to generate force quickly and is essential for sports involving sprinting, jumping or power lifting events like Strongman and Cross Fit. The rapid muscle contractions created by vibration training develop increased muscle power. Less time training means more time eating and recovering.2
      • Reduced warm-up time – exercising muscles burn up fats and sugars releasing heat. This increase in heat makes movement more comfortable and reduces risk of injury. A good preparation for other activities that can be done quickly.20
      • Reduced warm-up time – exercising muscles burn up fats and sugars releasing heat. This increase in heat makes movement more comfortable and reduces risk of injury. A good preparation for other activities that can be done quickly.20
      • Increased energy – regularly making the muscles do work increases metabolism and stimulates brain activity associated with feeling good. The result is that you not only feel more energetic, you have more energy to do the things you want.18
      • Stronger bones – the combination of increased muscle force pulling on bones with the increase in lymph and blood flowing through them results in bones becoming stronger.23
      • Better agility – vibration training is well known for increasing balance which when combined with more muscle power makes you more agile.18
      • Improved flexibility – 18 sessions of vibration training with 17G resulted in a 58% increase in hamstring flexibility.24 Each session took only 3 minutes.
  • Restore Your Pelvic Floor

    You may already know that starting at age 30 – surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and even being overweight can result in deactivation of your pelvic floor muscles with long-lasting consequences that are both stressful and embarrassing like:

    • Uncontrolled urination.
    • Uncontrolled defecation.
    • Sexual dysfunction and discomfort.

    If you’re tired of the repetitive sudden and urgent need to find a toilet at times when you’re:

    • Driving the car
    • Attending a wedding.
    • Eating at restaurants

    Or feel nervous about what might happen if you cough, sneeze or laugh too hard in public, here’s something you’ll be pleased to hear…

    Vibration exercise offers a discreet, time-saving way to restore your pelvic floor and produce noticeable results in a matter of weeks.7

    Vibration training has been shown to very effectively re-activate the pelvic floor muscles. So much so that the level of muscle activation possible was higher than during traditional pelvic floor exercises using maximum effort.7 What’s more, vibration exercise does not require those embarrassing internal devices used in traditional pelvic floor re-training programs. Simply standing on the machine at 10G of G-force for 8 minutes, twice a week resulted in “considerable improvement in pelvic floor strength” and an 89% reduction in incontinence symptoms.27 Imagine what you could achieve with ongoing vibration exercise and the difference it would make to your stress levels and confidence. The keys from the research were to use high G-force vibration and that optimum results come from continued home use.28

    For fat removal to work the customer has to follow up our treatments with exercise. The problem had been that they never do it. Now, we put them straight on the Hypervibe for 10- minutes and the fat loss results increase 400%

    Angela Pent
    Studio Vanish, USA

    Whole Body Vibration Buyers Guide – 41 Vibration Machines Tested

    Only 9 of 41 passed all the tests and could produce the level of vibration responsible for the most impressive research results. Hypervibe was the only machine for under $3000 to make it into the top 9. The average output of all machines under $3000 is 4G. Hypervibe can produce up to 17G.

  • Answers to questions you may have

    • My husband won’t approve, what if he thinks I’m wasting money?
      In addition to having a happy wife, men like having facts and figures to look at. We can provide this information to help him feel satisfied this is a wise and valuable investment.
    • Once I have the machine – how will I know the best way to use it?
      If you have any other questions or need some help placing your order Click Here to contact one of our friendly support staff who are waiting to help you today.
    • What if I want the machine but can’t afford it right now?
      Depending on which Hypervibe dealer you buy from you may qualify for interest-free finance meaning you get the machine delivered to you right away then have many months in which to pay off the value of the machine and any fees that the finance company may charge.
    Do you have a question for us?

    If you have any other questions or need some help placing your order, our friendly support staff are waiting to help you today.

  • Start your transformation now!

    Click here to be taken to our order page. This is something you don’t want to put off, the benefits are too great and the effort required is so little. Take advantage of this technology and let it work for you.

    Just like the others on this page who said YES to Hypervibe you can expect the same great service they received, the same ongoing support and guidance they receive and the same benefits they continue to receive like:

    • Better posture23
    • Stronger muscles4
    • Less Discomfort2
    • Stronger bones21
    • Being more agile4
    • Improved flexibility and ease of movement11
    • Relieving and reviving your lower back2

  • References

    • Bosco C. Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Apr; 81(6):449-54
    • Delecluse C, Roelants M, Verschueren S. 2003. Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 35(6), 1033-41.
    • Frank H. Anti Cellulite Untersuch. SANADERM Professional Clinic for Skin Illnesses and Allergies, Bad Mergentheim, Germany. 2003. Internal publication.
    • University of Mary Washington – Wellness Resource Centre –
    • Lythgo N. Whole-body vibration dosage alters leg blood flow. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2009 Jan;29(1):53-9.
    • Sealey R, ‘Effects of Exercise Interventions on Physical Condition and Health of Vietnam Veterans.’ International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, August 2011, Vol 18, No. 8.
    • Lauper M. Pelvic floor stimulation: what are the good vibrations? Neurourol Urodyn. 2009;28(5):405-10
    • Sealy R. Acute Exercise In Vietnam Veterans Is Associated With Positive Subjective Experiences. Int J Exerc Sci 3(1): 36-42, 2010.
    • Stewart JM. Plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Mar;288(3):R623-9
    • Kerschan-Schindl K. Whole-body vibration exercise leads to alterations in muscle blood volume. Clin Physiol. 2001 May;21(3):377-82
    • Stewart JM. Plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Mar;288(3):R623-9
    • Rittweger J. Oxygen uptake during whole-body vibration exercise: comparison with squatting as a slow voluntary movement. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2001 Dec;86(2):169-73
    • Vissers D. Effect of long-term whole body vibration training on visceral adipose tissue: a preliminary report. Obes Facts. 2010;3(2):93-100
    • Issurin VB. Effect of vibratory stimulation training on maximal force and flexibility. J Sports Sci. 1994 Dec;12(6):561-6
    • Boggild M. Whole body vibration failed to improve postmenopausal muscle density. Poster presentation – American Society for Bone and Mineral Research October 4-7 2013
    • van den Tillaar R. Will whole-body vibration training help increase the range of motion of the hamstrings? J Strength Cond Res. 2006 Feb;20(1):192-6.
    • Sanudo. Whole body vibration training improves leg blood flow and adiposity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus -. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013 Sep;113(9):2245-52.
    • Rohlmann A. In vivo measurements of the effect of whole body vibration on spinal loads. Eur Spine J. 2014 Mar;23(3):666-72.
    • Cardinale M. Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you? Br J Sports Med. 2005 Sep;39(9):585-9
    • Zhang L, ‘Effect of whole-body vibration exercise on mobility,balance ability and general health status in frail elderly patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial.’ Clin Rehabil. 2013 Jul 17
    • Bosco C. The Influence of Whole-Body Vibration on the Mechanical Behaviour of Skeletal Muscle; Clinical Physiology, 1999; 19: 183-187
    • Cochrane, D. The Effect of Acute Lower-Body Vibration Exercise on the Rate of Muscle Temperature Increase. European Journal of Applied Physiology (2008):103, 441-448
    • Cochrane DJ. Changes in joint angle, muscle-tendon complex length, muscle contractile tissue displacement, and modulation of EMG activity during acute whole-body vibration. Muscle Nerve. 2009 Sep;40(3):420-9
    • Rittweger J. Oxygen uptake during whole-body vibration exercise: comparison with squatting as a slow voluntary movement. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2001 Dec;86(2):169-73
    • Rittweger J. Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Mar;108(5):877-904.
    • Ruan XY. Effects of vibration therapy on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2008 Jul 5;121(13):1155-8
    • Von Der Heide. Effect on muscles of mechanical vibrations produced by the Galileo 2000 in combination with physical therapy in treating female stress urinary incontinence. 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society October 5-9 2003
    • Zellner M. Incontinence after radical prostatectomy and cystectomy: are combined training with mechanical devices and whole body vibration effective? Urologe A. 2011 Apr;50(4):433-44;

Hypervibe devices are designed for fitness and exercise purposes only and are not intended for use as medical devices. In the UK, Hypervibe machines are not registered as medical devices and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

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