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How to Stay Active With a Pregnancy Workout Plan

09th December 2022

Pregnancy – is one of the most wonderful periods in a woman’s life. Nine months filled with inspiration and longing! As well as preparing to welcome new life into the world. Of course, the good physical shape of the expectant mother plays a key role in this. And what better way to maintain it than with a well-constructed workout plan?!

Can I start an exercise plan while pregnant?

To stay fit and healthy, the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby in early pregnancy is to keep being physically active. Regardless of the discomfort associated with the early months of pregnancy, exercise will make you feel better physically, lift your mood and ensure you sleep better. The exercises will regulate the weight gain and will prepare you for the excess weight and for the birth itself.

Of course, you should always consult your doctor before starting an exercise plan. As long as you take some precautions, strength training is an excellent form of activity during pregnancy.

Research shows that outcomes for mothers and babies are better when they participate in prenatal exercise. Mothers in better physical condition have shorter labor with less chance of preterm birth, and fewer complications during pregnancy.

In addition, the risks of certain pregnancy-related health problems, such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, are reduced if you exercise during pregnancy. Which pregnancy exercises are not safe?

Activities that can throw the pregnant woman off-balance must be avoided – for example, riding, skiing, or cycling.

Exercises are contraindicated if you have:

  • Heart disease that significantly affects blood circulation in the body, such as pulmonary hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure)
  • Lung diseases, such as severe asthma or chronic bronchitis
  • Uterine insufficiency/cerclage (premature dilatation)
  • Multiple pregnancies (eg twins or triplets) if you are at risk of premature birth
  • Continuous bleeding during the second or third trimester
  • Placenta previa after 26 weeks
  • Premature birth
  • Rupture of membranes (leakage of water)
  • Preeclampsia (high blood pressure caused by pregnancy)

In what month of pregnancy should I start exercising?

The answer is: if there are no medical obstacles – from the very beginning.

Exercise during the first trimester does not increase the risk of miscarriage. As your pregnancy progresses, you may need to reduce your exercise.

Also, during the second and third trimesters, you should avoid any exercise that puts pressure on the diastasis recti muscles.

Lying on your back for long periods during the third trimester is not recommended. The weight of your growing baby can put pressure on blood vessels.

The third trimester may require more days off between sessions. Let your body guide you. Contrary to all outdated beliefs, you don’t have to shut yourself up, lie down and be afraid to pick up your 1.5-liter water bottle while you’re pregnant – with the right exercise plan and the green light from your doctor to exercise and be active safely during pregnancy.

This information should be used as a guide only and should not replace your doctor’s advice.

Pilates will relieve lower back pain and your balance, two of the challenges you will face during pregnancy. The characteristic of Pilates is that it builds the core muscles through various equipment and exercises that are performed mostly on the floor. Exercises initially focus on building strength, and later exercises challenge that strength and improve your balance.

Avoid poses that require twisting in the abdominal area or lying on your back, bridge pose, and any position where your legs are overhead.

These exercises are also extremely suitable because they are characterized by moderate intensity.

Your body was made for walking, so it is the most basic and yet one of the most effective pregnancy exercises. You can start with at least 10 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a week, gradually increasing the duration to 30 minutes a day.

It is not forbidden for expectant mothers to exercise, but it is only recommended if you had such a training plan before pregnancy.

Pregnancy is no reason to give up on your exercise plan. Maintaining a good physical shape during this period is not only possible but also necessary for your health.

What workouts are safe during pregnancy?

Even though your body hasn’t changed much, you probably already feel like you need more rest. The most important rule when exercising in the first trimester is not to overexert yourself and avoid falls. If you didn’t exercise regularly before you got pregnant, now is the time to create a habit that will benefit your health for life. Start with simple exercises that do not require much effort, spend up to 30 minutes a day, and train 3 to 5 times a week. An important condition is that the training gives you pleasure. Any exercise is better than none.

Strengthening the muscles in your body can help reduce your chances of pain as you prepare your body for labor.

Focus on smooth, controlled movements, reduce the number of sets and increase the rest time between them.

If you feel pain in the pelvic girdle, you should talk to your doctor. If you have an exercise permit, you can modify the strength training exercises as follows:

Remember to stay hydrated and take breaks when you need to. Listen to your body and stop all movement if you feel discomfort or pain. Weight training will help strengthen your entire body and give you strength so you’re prepared for the weight you’ll put on during pregnancy.

Whether you’re using free weights or weight machines at the gym, it’s again important not to strain your stomach or lie on your back. Choose exercises of low to moderate intensity, and your training will be beneficial and safe if you perform it up to 2 times a week.

What is the best form of exercise during pregnancy?

Everything is very specific and individual for each woman according to her pregnancy. Your gynecologist, as well as your fitness trainer, can best help you create an optimal training plan.

If you have decided that you are going to carry out your workout plan at the gym or attend a group training session, always warm up – 5 minutes of stretching will prepare your muscles for the load. Spend the last 5 minutes of your workout “cooling down” by slowing down and stretching the muscles you’ve been straining.

Be sure to stop your workout if you experience nausea, vaginal discharge, bleeding, abdominal or pelvic pain, and if you become too hot and feel dehydrated. Hydration is extremely important during pregnancy, whether you exercise or not. If you don’t like drinking water, the option is to replace it with tea, but be sure to find out which herbs are recommended during pregnancy. Pay attention to your nutrition and reward your workout with wholesome and healthy food.

If you experience any of the following scenarios while following your workout plan, do not participate in this activity:

  • Pain or worsening of existing pain.
  • Any exercise that causes the abdominal wall to bulge or puts strain on the abdomen.
  • Any exercise that is too intense for you to do.

The right workout plan during your pregnancy will keep you toned, prevent you from gaining extra pounds and keep your self-esteem high. Thus, in good physical shape and with a high spirit, you will be prepared to welcome the most important thing from here on in your life – your child!

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