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Mixed Wbv / Free Weights Exercises to Decrease Back Fat

28th July 2016
Mixed WBV / free weights exercises to decrease back fat

If you’re unhappy with how your back looks right now and want to get rid of the back fat while toning your back muscles and strengthening them, you need a combination of diet, cardio, and free weights exercises. But you can also add whole body vibration to this routine to speed up the fat loss and start seeing results faster.

Give below are some exercises you can do for decreasing body fat and shaping your shoulders, upper and lower back muscles. To do these exercises you’ll need your Hypervibe whole body vibration machine, plus a set of dumbbells or the elastic bands that come with the platform. Let’s start!

Cardio exercises: schedule 2 sessions per week

Back fat is the result of excessive body weight in most cases, so if you’re serious about getting rid of it, you have to get serious about your diet and training routine as well. So the first thing to do is make sure your eating habits are healthy. Apply the 80/20 rule: eat clean and healthy 5-6 days per week and treat yourself during the weekend, but try not to exceed your daily calorie needs.

You can have a piece of cake or half a pizza, but keep in mind that eating more than your body needs is the surest way to gain fat. If you choose to eat an entire pizza at lunch, keep the calorie intake at a minimum at breakfast and dinner, or do your best to create a calorie deficit in the remaining days.

Back to cardio: go running 2 times per week, for 40-60 minutes. This will increase your metabolic rate and help your body burn fat more efficiently. If you want to maximize your workouts and see results faster, schedule 1 running session and 1 HIIT session weekly.

Make sure to hydrate your body properly and to get enough sleep, to allow muscles to recover properly. HIIT workouts and weight lifting will help you burn more calories even while resting, as they trigger the so-called afterburn effect. To decrease back fat you need to reduce your overall body fat percentage, as it’s pretty hard to lose weight only from a certain body area. The more calories you burn, the more body and back fat you lose.

WBV/free weights exercises: train 3 times per week

To keep your body in the fat-burning zone for longer, schedule 3 WBV/free weights training sessions per week. Keep the vibration workouts around 10-15 minutes, and the free weights workout around 40 minutes. It may seem like a lot of exercise, but the general recommendation for a healthy weight and body is to train daily for at least 30 minutes so no, it’s not too much.

Here are some exercises you can do for your back muscles and your shoulders.

1. Single-arm dumbbell rows

For this exercise you need a light or not so light dumbbell. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent. Shift your hips back and lower the torso until it’s nearly parallel with the floor. For balance, place your right hand on a wall in front of you or on an exercise bench, chair, or anything else that can offer support.

Draw the dumbbell towards your chest by bending the left elbow straight up toward the ceiling. Keep the shoulder blades down and the core engaged all time. Do 10 reps on each side, take a break and repeat one more time the entire routine (20 reps, 10 per side).

You can do this exercise on your Hypervibe machine as well, using the resistance bands instead of dumbbells. Keep the frequency at 10-12 Hz and your feet at #2 for balance.

2. Whole body vibration triceps dips

Although this exercise targets the triceps as the main muscle group, it also works the shoulders, upper back, and chest muscles. Set the frequency to 8-12 Hz and maintain the position for 1 minute if you can.

Place the palms on the platform at an equal distance from the center, in a comfortable position. Your legs should be in front of the platform as shown in the picture. Drop the buttocks straight to the floor and bend at your elbows to lower the body and work the triceps.

Engage the core by drawing the belly button in, towards the spine. The back should remain straight and abdominals contracted. Don’t lean forward and keep the shoulders back and down to avoid injuries.

3. Front and lateral dumbbell raises

Grab the dumbbells in both hands and keep your elbows straight or slightly bent, core engaged, and legs straight, hip-width apart. Raise the dumbbells upward, first forward, then your arms are at shoulder height, then move your hands out to the side, maintaining the same height. Lower the dumbbells back down to the initial position and repeat 9 more times. Take a break, then do 2 more sets of 10 reps each.

4. Planks on the Hypervibe WBV machine

The plank is one of the most efficient exercises for the abdominal and back muscles, and it’s perfect for accelerating fat loss as it burns a lot of calories. Moreover, it helps in toning and shaping the shoulders and arms, and contributes to a better posture by strengthening the muscles that support your spine.

Set the frequency to 8-12 Hz and place your hands or elbows on the platform. If it’s not comfortable enough, you can place an exercise mat on top, or switch the position and place your feet on the platform, and palms on the ground. Maintain the plank for 1 minute.

5. Crunches with core twists on the WBV machine

This combination is perfect for strengthening and toning the abs and back and is also great for sculpting your waist and getting rid of the love handles. Sit on the platform with knees bent and lean back at a 45 angle, to form a C-shape. Twist your torso to the right, but try not to move the upper body too much. Repeat on the left side, keeping the back extended and the abs contracted. Do a classical crunch, then repeat the twists.

Do this exercise for 1 minute, at a frequency of 10-12 Hz. Make sure your abs and back muscles are contracted. If you can’t do classical crunches, you can keep the C-sit position and bring your right knee towards the chest, then the left knee, as if you were riding a bike.

6. Triceps kickbacks with dumbbells

Triceps kickbacks are excellent for toning the back, arms and shoulders. For this exercise, you’ll need a set of dumbbells or the elastic cords that come with the Hypervibe machine. Grasp a dumbbell in your right hand and put your right knee on the floor, or if you do this exercise on the WBV machine, stand on the platform and grab the right elastic cord.

Lift the right arm so that the upper arm is parallel to the floor, and contract the triceps when the arm is extended. Hold for 1 second and bring the arm back to a 90-degree angle, with the upper arm still parallel to the floor. Follow the same pattern if you use the elastic cord, contracting the triceps when the arm is extended. Repeat 10 times, then take a short break and do 2 more sets of 10 reps each.

7. Overhead press with dumbbells

Grab your dumbbells and stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Your arms should also be slightly bent and palms facing each other. Press both dumbbells up until the weights are overhead, and your arms are straight. Lower slowly, controlling the movement with your back and shoulders, then repeat 9 more times. Do 1 set, take a short break, and do 2 more sets, 10 reps per set.

8. Push-ups on the WBV machine

Push-ups work your upper arms, shoulders, back and abdominal muscles, helping you build a slimmer and more toned body. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions if doing classical push-ups, or 3 sets of 30 seconds of WBV push-ups, with 10-second breaks between sets (10-12 Hz, #2 amplitude).

9. Delts raises

No back muscle workout is complete without delts raises. This exercise works your upper back and deltoids, the muscles attached to the front, side, and rear of your shoulders. They also help in strengthening the core, as your abs and back are engaged during the entire exercise.

Grab the dumbbells and stand with feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Shift your hips back and lower the torso until nearly parallel with the ground. Bending your elbows, turn your palms to face each other, and lift the dumbbells to shoulder height. Use your back muscles while doing this movement instead of your arms or shoulders.

Lower back down slowly, keeping the core muscles engaged and the glutes, shoulders, and arms contracted as well. Focus during the entire exercise and do each movement slowly, breathing correctly to fuel the muscles properly and avoid injuries. Repeat 10 times, then take a short break and do 2 more sets.

10. WBV shoulder blade retractions

Another exercise that targets the upper back muscles and shoulders is the shoulder blade retraction, which uses the stretch bands attached to the Hypervibe machine. Place your feet on the platform at a comfortable level and activate the core by drawing the belly button in. Squeeze the glutes gently and grip the bands with your hands, pulling back to squeeze the shoulder blades together.

Maintain the back straight, knees slightly bent and hips square for stability. You should feel that the upper back muscles are activated and that the vibration goes directly to the area between the shoulder blades.

Hope you’ll find this routine useful. If you have questions, post them below or join our Facebook community and share your thoughts with us there!

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