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Discover Who Cannot Use Vibration Plates?

11th February 2022
who cannot use vibration plates

It appears lately we hear more about vibration plates and the exercise that is performed on them, namely whole-body vibration (WBV). This should not come as a surprise, given the growing number of scientific studies, using vibrating platforms as a subject of investigation. The results so far have shown some pretty interesting findings, revealing a vast spectrum of benefits.

The regular use of the vibration plates has been associated with stronger muscles, denser bones, improved blood circulation, accelerated recovery, reduced body weight, and decreased risk of various chronic diseases. But are vibration plates any good indeed? They truly are, however despite the broad range of benefits offered by the equipment, it is not for everyone.

In the following lines, we are going to look into the safety of the vibrating equipment and will explore who can and who cannot use vibration plates. After all, safety should be your highest priority when it comes to physical activity.

Can anyone use a vibration plate?

Vibration plates also referred to as body vibration machines or vibrating platforms have been around since the 1960s. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was the first to acknowledge the health potential of the equipment, by using it for improving the bone density of its astronauts. It appeared that high-frequency vibrations produced by the plate help strengthen bones by increasing their mineral density.

Since then, the popularity of the platforms has been growing steadily, as has the number of people who have benefited from their use. 20 – 25 minutes a day, 3 – 4 days a week are perfectly enough to improve overall health and well-being. And thanks to the recent advancements in technology, the machines are now compact enough to fit in your lovely home.

Indeed, the benefits are numerous, covering more or less every area of human health. But are vibration plates safe for everyone? As much as we want to say yes, unfortunately, the equipment is not suitable for some groups of the population. Among these are individuals recovering from a recent operation and people with specific medical conditions. Furthermore, according to scientific data, WBV is contraindicated in women who are pregnant.

Who Cannot Use Vibration Plates?

Vibration plates consist of a platform that produces high-frequency mechanical oscillations and a certain G-force. Usually, the frequency of the oscillations is within the range of 5 – 40 Herz. As to the G-force, typically it is between 10 – 27 G’s. The letter “G” here stands for “Gravity” where 1 G equals Earth’s gravity, 2 G is twice Earth’s gravity, and so forth.

Thanks to the higher frequency and much greater gravity level that is achieved while exercising on the vibrating equipment, users can experience positive fitness outcomes in less time and with less effort. Additionally, as can be seen from this study, WBV is considered a low-impact physical activity, meaning that it is not harmful to your joints and other vital organs. Unfortunately, some demographic groups cannot take advantage of the vibrating platform.
who cannot use vibration plates
Generally, the vibrating plate is considered safe for the majority of the human population, but people with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, and individuals recovering from a recent injury should steer away from the machine. So, who cannot use vibration plates? Below is an extensive but not complete list of people who should not attempt practising whole-body vibration. If in doubt, please speak with your medical provider.

  • Persons with cardiovascular conditions
  • Those of you who have had a recent surgery
  • People who have recently had a form of an orthopaedic injury
  • Individuals who have been recently fitted with metal pins
  • People suffering from gallstones or kidney stones
  • Individuals suffering from epilepsy
  • Those of you who had a recent head injury
  • People who suffer from type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • Persons who exhibit acute hernia
  • Pregnant women

Who can use vibration plates?

Vibration plates offer a myriad of benefits, covering almost every area of human health. Stronger and better-toned muscles, denser bones, more flexible joints, improved circulation, aided lymphatic drainage, sped-up physical recovery, accelerated fat-burning rate, and reduced stress levels, are just some of the positive effects delivered by the equipment.

According to scientific evidence, whole-body vibration can be used by pretty much everyone who wishes to increase his or her fitness level and improve overall health status. Whether your personal goals include gaining muscle power, strengthening your bones, or simply losing some extra pounds, the body vibrating platform is the way to go. And what is even more, according to numerous scientific studies, such as this one, the machine has been proven beneficial for use in various rehabilitation settings.
who cannot use vibration plates
So who can benefit from implementing whole-body vibration into their exercise regime?

  • Those of you who are looking to strengthen, tone and define their muscles
  • Individuals who wish to lose weight and speed up their metabolism
  • Fitness enthusiasts and athletes who seek faster recovery between training sessions
  • Persons who are looking to improve their cardiovascular health
  • Those of you who suffer from osteoporosis (bone loss), osteomalacia (bone softening), or sarcopenia (muscle loss)
  • People suffering from anxiety, depression, or elevated stress levels
  • Individuals who have lipedema, lymphedema or excessive cellulite
  • Persons with autism
  • Those of you who seek quicker recovery following an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
  • People suffering from varicose veins
  • Adults or children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Down syndrome, or scoliosis


The body vibrating plate represents a truly impressive type of fitness equipment, offering a myriad of benefits. Increased bone mineral density, stronger muscles, leaner body, accelerated physical recovery, positive mindset, and healthier ageing, are just some of them. The machine requires as little as 15 – 20 minutes a day from your time and, 3 – 4 days a week. That’s all – a miniature investment with huge returns.

Unfortunately, the equipment is not suitable for everyone, including people suffering from certain medical conditions and women who are going through pregnancy. If you wish to implement whole-body vibration into your routine but are in doubt, please speak with your doctor, or seek advice from a specialist in the field.

References (in order of appearance)
Skröder, H, et al. (2020). Occupational exposure to whole-body vibrations and birth outcomes – A nationwide cohort study of Swedish women. Science of The Total Environment. Vol. 751.

Cardinale, M., & Wakeling, J. (2005). Whole-body vibration exercises are vibrations good for you?. British journal of sports medicine, 39(9), 585–589.

Chanou, K., Gerodimos, V., Karatrantou, K., & Jamurtas, A. (2012). Whole-body vibration and rehabilitation of chronic diseases: a review of the literature. Journal of sports science & medicine, 11(2), 187–200.

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