Back Pain Causes You Might Not Hear About, from EHS Today
There’s a story in EHS Today–that’s Environmental Health and Safety, for you lay folk–that sheds some light on some things you may not think about when you suffer from back pain.
Some takeaways:
- Although we often hear people say, “I threw my back out,” giving the impression it was a singular event, chances are there were aches and pains warning of bigger back problems to come.
- Prevention is key to a healthy back, but many people neglect their back health until something goes wrong.
- Sitting–which most of us do way too much of–causes muscle imbalances that can cause back pain.
For more, read the story: Back Pain Causes You Might Not Hear about from Your Doctor | Health content from EHS Today.
If back pain is a concern for you, or if you want to take steps now to prevent it from becoming a problem, read our post on how to manage pain.
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