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How to Use a Vibration Plate for Lipedema?

04th February 2022
How to Use a Vibration Plate for Lipedema

Lipedema or lipoedema is a type of pathological disorder that is characterised by irregular distribution of fat tissue around the body. The condition affects roughly 10 per cent of women worldwide. It has been observed that people suffering from lipedema accumulate abnormal amounts of fat in their lower and upper limbs, making the extremities look disproportionately big to the rest of the body.

Currently, there are various treatment methods for tackling the symptoms of the disorder, each of which has proven successful over the years. One of the latest additions in that category is the vibration plate exercise for lipedema, which has gained a large chunk of popularity lately.

In the following lines, we are going to explore the treatment method in greater detail and will show you how to use a vibration plate for lipedema. Let’s get started!

What is lipedema and what are the symptoms?

As we briefly covered the term at the beginning of this article, lipoedema is a chronic pathological condition that is linked to the abnormally high accumulation of fat throughout the body. The most affected areas are the lower legs, including calves, thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. Those affected by lipedema should seek appropriate treatment options ASAP and not leave the condition to progress over time.

While the full spectrum of causes is not yet understood, scientists have discovered that among the most common reasons for developing lipedema are hormonal disbalance and genetic predisposition. Of course, we should not exclude unhealthy eating, sedentary lifestyle and lack of sleep either as having a partial contribution towards the occurrence of the condition.

It is also worth mentioning that lipoedema isn’t just a cosmetic disorder (unlike cellulite). If the condition is left untreated, the number of fat storage cells will continue to grow, leading to the occurrence of pain, bruises, and infections in the affected areas. Among the most common symptoms of lipedema are:

  • Abnormally high-fat tissue accumulation in the lower and upper body extremities;
  • Painful feeling in the affected areas;
  • Impaired walking abilities due to the progression of the disorder;
  • Psychological and emotional symptoms, such as embarrassment, anxiety and depression;
  • Blocked lymphatic vessels related to the aggressive progression of the condition, leading to the build-up of excessive lymph fluid (secondary lymphedema).

Vibration treatment and lipedema

Over the past couple of decades, whole-body vibration (WBV) has been the subject of numerous scientific studies. The collected data has revealed positive outcomes in more or less every area of human health. For instance, it has been established that the activity leads to greater bone mineral density, stronger muscles, better blood circulation, accelerated physical recovery, and reduced body mass index (BMI), among others.

More recent studies have been investigating the effect of the vibration machine for swollen legs in people suffering from lipedema, and the results have been truly intriguing. Scientists have discovered that vibrating equipment offers a useful means for tackling the various symptoms of the condition. All that the body vibration machine requires from you is to stand or sit on it for 15 – 20 minutes a day, 3 – 4 days a week.

The regular implementation of vibration therapy, combined with a healthy eating regime, has led to visible improvements within just a few months from the start of the treatment. It has been made evident that the intervention aids in alleviating the symptoms of lipedema in several interrelated ways, namely:

  • The regular use of whole-body vibration leads to a faster metabolism and increased fat burning rate, ultimately resulting in overall body weight loss;
  • The vibration treatment leads to improved blood circulation, thus further accelerating fat tissue metabolism throughout the body, including the affected lower and upper limbs;
  • WBV promotes lymphatic drainage and prevents the excessive accumulation of lymph fluid in the body, which contributes to the effectiveness of lipedema treatment.

Is a vibration plate good for lipedema?

How to Use a Vibration Plate for Lipedema
So, is vibration therapy good for treating the disorder, and if yes, how to use a vibration plate for lipedema? Continue reading and you will soon have all the information you need. According to scientific studies conducted on the topic, such as this one, the body vibrating machine has shown some pretty impressive results when it comes to tackling the symptoms of lipedema.

To obtain the full spectrum of WBV benefits for lipoedema, it is recommended that you follow a regimen and be persistent. Don’t forget to combine exercise with healthy eating (plenty of fruits and vegetables, pulses, whole grains, nuts, and seeds) and a sufficient amount of sleep (at least 8 hours per day).

Individuals who experience positive results from the vibration plate exercise for lipedema share that they use the equipment for about 20 – 25 minutes a day, 4 days a week. What is even more, thanks to the technological advancements in the field, body vibrations machines are now compact enough to fit perfectly in your home.

Here’s how to use a vibration plate for lipedema to scoop out all the benefits of the WBV exercise:

  • Stand on the vibrating platform with your knees slightly bent and adjust the frequency level and G-force accordingly. Start with lower settings and increase the intensity gradually as you progress with time;
  • If standing on the platform turns out to be difficult in the beginning, you can start by sitting on it and try to move to a standing position gradually with time. You can raise the frequency range and G-force settings, but do not exceed frequencies of 40 Hz and G-forces of 25 G’s;
  • The great thing about vibrating machines is that you can target a specific body area by placing it directly on top of the vibration plate. That means if you want to exercise your legs, you can sit by the side of the platform and put only your legs on top of it;

Is vibration good for swollen legs?

As we already learned from the article so far, abnormally large legs (due to excessive fat deposition) are among the most common symptoms of lipoedema. The enlargement of the lower extremities however could be caused by a swelling – a condition known as lymphedema. So, is a vibration plate good for lymphedema and can it help relieve the symptoms of swollen legs?

Before we answer the question, let’s clear the difference between lipedema and lymphedema. The former is associated with excessive fat accumulation which makes lower and upper limbs look abnormally large, while the latter leads to a swelling in the affected areas, caused by excessive accumulation of lymph fluid (due to impaired lymphatic drainage).

According to scientific data, such as this preliminary study, whole-body vibration offers a useful way for improving muscle tissue tone, promoting weight loss, and aiding the optimal circulation of venous and lymph fluids. Additionally, the normal lymph flow is highly dependent on optimal muscle and joint functioning, which is yet another area of human health that has been indicated by scientists to be positively affected by WBV.


Lipedema is an unpleasant pathological condition that affects 1 in every 10 women globally. The disorder is characterised by excessive fat accumulation in the upper and lower limbs. If left untreated, the condition might progress and increase the risk of developing other chronic and life-threatening diseases.

Luckily, the symptoms of lipedema can be alleviated to a great extent with the help of the body vibration plate. The equipment requires very little of your time and could be used from the convenience of your home or office. Just remember that best results are achieved when combined with a healthy eating pattern, and sufficient rest.

References (in order of appearance)

Park, S. Y., Son, W. M., & Kwon, O. S. (2015). Effects of whole-body vibration training on body composition, skeletal muscle strength, and cardiovascular health. Journal of exercise rehabilitation, 11(6), 289–295.

Herbst, K. L., Kahn, L. A., Iker, E., Ehrlich, C., Wright, T., McHutchison, L., Schwartz, J., Sleigh, M., Donahue, P. M., Lisson, K. H., Faris, T., Miller, J., Lontok, E., Schwartz, M. S., Dean, S. M., Bartholomew, J. R., Armour, P., Correa-Perez, M., Pennings, N., … Larson, E. (2021). Standard of care for lipedema in the United States. Phlebology, 36(10), 779–796.

Pastouret, F., Cardozo, L., Lamote, J., Buyl, R., & Lievens, P. (2016). Effects of Multidirectional Vibrations Delivered in a Horizontal Position (Andullation®) on Blood Microcirculation in Laboratory Animals: A Preliminary Study. Medical science monitors basic research.

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